Daily UI 001
Signging Up

This UI challenge was prompted to challenge designers to create a sign up screen. I designed a sign up screen for a travel app that helps users find activities and restaurants in the area.

Daily UI 001
Signging Up

This UI challenge was prompted to challenge designers to create a sign up screen. I designed a sign up screen for a travel app that helps users find activities and restaurants in the area.

Daily UI 001
Signging Up

This UI challenge was prompted to challenge designers to create a sign up screen. I designed a sign up screen for a travel app that helps users find activities and restaurants in the area.

Daily UI 001
Signging Up

This UI challenge was prompted to challenge designers to create a sign up screen. I designed a sign up screen for a travel app that helps users find activities and restaurants in the area.

Project Overview

Project Brief

Daily UI 001 Prompt: Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or in this case, a travel app.

Project Brief

Daily UI 001 Prompt: Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or in this case, a travel app.

Project Brief

Daily UI 001 Prompt: Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or in this case, a travel app.

Project Brief

Develop and end-to-end mobile product focusing on human-centered research to create and design a hi-fidelity digital mobile solution that addresses a problem space, focusing on empathy to establish functional and design solutions.

Project Outcome

Sign Up Screen for
Travel App & Website

Sign Up Screen for
Travel App & Website

The goal was to create a visually engaging sign up screen that sets the tone for travel. I kept in mind the interactive animations implemented on the graphic image while the user navigates through the sign up process.

The goal was to create a visually engaging sign up screen that sets the tone for travel. I kept in mind the interactive animations implemented on the graphic image while the user navigates through the sign up process.

View Prototype

View Prototype

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Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me


Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me


Jessica Kimoden | UX Designer

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