
MainStream is a streaming app that stream music videos and songs into one platform. Users are able to access stations that includes a music video streaming option while also being able to socialize with other users.



MainStream is a streaming app that stream music videos and songs into one platform. Users are able to access stations that includes a music video streaming option while also being able to socialize with other users.



MainStream is a streaming app that stream music videos and songs into one platform. Users are able to access stations that includes a music video streaming option while also being able to socialize with other users.



MainStream is a streaming app that stream music videos and songs into one platform. Users are able to access stations that includes a music video streaming option while also being able to socialize with other users.

Project Overview

Project Overview

Role: UX Designer

Duration: 4 weeks
Device: iPhone 13 Max

Tools: Figma, Adobe Photoshop & After Effects

Role: UX Designer

Duration: 4 weeks
Device: iPhone 13 Max

Tools: Figma, Adobe Photoshop & After Effects

Role: UX Designer

Duration: 4 weeks
Device: iPhone 13 Max

Tools: Figma, Adobe Photoshop & After Effects

Project Brief

Develop and design a mobile product by using a non-linear design approach focusing on quantitative human-centered data and research. The project outcome is a complete hi-fidelity prototype that addresses the needs and frustrations of every day users.

Project Brief

Develop and design a mobile product by using a non-linear design approach focusing on quantitative human-centered data and research. The project outcome is a complete hi-fidelity prototype that addresses the needs and frustrations of every day users.

Project Brief

Develop and design a mobile product by using a non-linear design approach focusing on quantitative human-centered data and research. The project outcome is a complete hi-fidelity prototype that addresses the needs and frustrations of every day users.

Project Brief

Develop and design a mobile product by using a non-linear design approach focusing on quantitative human-centered data and research. The project outcome is a complete hi-fidelity prototype that addresses the needs and frustrations of every day users.

Design Process

Focusing on user requirements, gathered quantitative information throughout the design phase emphasized on resolving problems faced by individuals curious about and actively utilizing music streaming platforms. The method remains dedicated to a user-centric attitude by developing solutions and capabilities suited for the established personas.

Focusing on user requirements, gathered quantitative information throughout the design phase emphasized on resolving problems faced by individuals curious about and actively utilizing music streaming platforms. The method remains dedicated to a user-centric attitude by developing solutions and capabilities suited for the established personas.

Project Outcome



Have you ever wondered if there was an app that can play both song tracks and music videos? MainStream is a mobile app that provides access to your popular artist's songs and music videos onto one platform.

With MainStream, you can access a music video station, a trending music video, and comment on your favorite releases. With these features, users are exposed to new music video content with ease.

Have you ever wondered if there was an app that can play both song tracks and music videos? MainStream is a mobile app that provides access to your popular artist's songs and music videos onto one platform.

With MainStream, you can access a music video station, a trending music video, and comment on your favorite releases. With these features, users are exposed to new music video content with ease.

View Prototype

View Prototype



What is the problem?

What is the problem?

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content. Artists also have to settle for apps such as Youtube that give them the platform to stream their videos, but without any copyright or security.

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content.

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content. Artists also have to settle for apps such as Youtube that give them the platform to stream their videos, but without any copyright or security.

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content. Artists also have to settle for apps such as Youtube that give them the platform to stream their videos, but without any copyright or security.

Quantitative Research

With 52% of global music consumption occurring
over video.

Skin diseases is the 4th most common cause of all  human disease & disability.

As apps like Spotify charging fees to feature music videos, artists are forced to cut down their budgets on music video content to make profit.

Youtube rakes in 47% of global music consumption but has copyright issues with online illegal downloading.

Youtube rakes in 47% of global music consumption but has copyright issues with online illegal downloading.

With competing apps like TikTok having up to 80 million users in the US, people are now used to shorter video content.



To provide a brief research method that covers a wide range of the population, I conducted a cross-sectional survey to 35. individuals that often use music streaming apps to observe their interest in the music and music video industry.

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content.

To provide a brief research method that covers a wide range of the population, I conducted a cross-sectional survey to 35. individuals that often use music streaming apps to observe their interest in the music and music video industry.

Interview Findings

Poll Results

35 participants were interviewed to begin the primary research process.
Participants ranged from 18-35 years old that have used music streaming apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music for over 3 years.

By conducting interviews, we are able to observe their interest in the music and music video industry from an observational standpoint.

3 participants were interviewed to begin the primary research process.
Participants ranged from 32-55 years old and with skin conditions (eczema, acne, and psoriasis).

By conducting interviews, we are able to reach a deeper understanding of the issues and journey people with skin conditions face in their every day lives. Focusing on human-centered research, interviews will help reveal the common themes evident within their experiences.

35 participants were interviewed to begin the primary research process.
Participants ranged from 18-35 years old that have used music streaming apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music for over 3 years.

By conducting interviews, we are able to observe their interest in the music and music video industry from an observational standpoint.

3 participants were interviewed to begin the primary research process.
Participants ranged from 32-55 years old and with skin conditions (eczema, acne, and psoriasis).

By conducting interviews, we are able to reach a deeper understanding of the issues and journey people with skin conditions face in their every day lives. Focusing on human-centered research, interviews will help reveal the common themes evident within their experiences.

Primary Research Findings



said that music music videos are still relevant.

Skin diseases is the 4th most common cause of all  human disease & disability.

said that music music videos are still relevant.



claimed to watch music videos on Youtube on a weekly basis.

claimed to watch music videos on Youtube on a weekly basis.




said music videos get them excited about the music artist.

said music videos get them excited about the music artist.

said music videos get them excited about the music artist.


2-3% of the world population is diagnosed with psoriasis, about 125 million people



discover music videos from artist announcements and updates.

Skin diseases is the 4th most common cause of all  human disease & disability.

discover music videos from artist announcements and updates.



said music videos are not easily accessible or often advertised.

said music videos are not easily accessible or often advertised.


2-3% of the world population is diagnosed with psoriasis, about 125 million people

Key Insights

Key Insights

1) Music videos are still relevant, but users find no advertisements to stream more music video content. Apps like Youtube rake in the most music video streams but users still feel like music videos are not easily accessible and streamed.

2) Users get excited about artists when watching music videos but don't have access to updates about new releases. People are receiving updates from their artist via other social media platforms and can miss newly released music videos if they don't keep updated on artist news.

Music videos have not lost any popularity throughout the years; In fact, they're 95 percent of the most popular YouTube videos with some music videos reaching up to 100 million views.

However, there is a lack of variety in music video streaming apps where people can have easy access to their favorite songs, genres, and music videos. With less exposure, musicians, aspiring artists, avid-music video watchers have no platform to turn to when looking to stream this type of content.

1) Music videos are still relevant, but users find no advertisements to stream more music video content. Apps like Youtube rake in the most music video streams but users still feel like music videos are not easily accessible and streamed.

2) Users get excited about artists when watching music videos but don't have access to updates about new releases. People are receiving updates from their artist via other social media platforms and can miss newly released music videos if they don't keep updated on artist news.

How might we provide flexible streaming access for song tracks and music videos in order to encourage users to watch music videos and keep music videos relevant?

How might we provide flexible streaming access for song tracks and music videos in order to encourage users to watch music videos and keep music videos relevant?

How might we provide flexible streaming access for song tracks and music videos in order to encourage users to continue watching music videos?

Define & Ideate

Define & Ideate

The Persona

In order to focus on empathizing with user needs, I created personas to step into a guitarist or business owner's shoes in order to understand their frustrations and experiences. I can then use this opportunity address pain points with functional solutions. Two personas were created to illustrate the wide variety of experiences and needs of possible users looking for a video streaming platform.

Melissa wants to be able to search up and be updated with the latest music video content to get inspired by her favorite artists but finds it hard to easily search and access content. Sander is a business owner looking for easy access and a streaming platform for music videos to stream inside his business and keep people excited about the atmosphere.

In order to focus on empathizing with user needs, I created personas to step into a guitarist or business owner's shoes in order to understand their frustrations and experiences. I can then use this opportunity address pain points with functional solutions. Two personas were created to illustrate the wide variety of experiences and needs of possible users looking for a video streaming platform.

Melissa wants to be able to search up and be updated with the latest music video content to get inspired by her favorite artists but finds it hard to easily search and access content. Sander is a business owner looking for easy access and a streaming platform for music videos to stream inside his business and keep people excited about the atmosphere.

In order to focus on empathizing with user needs, I created personas to step into a guitarist or business owner's shoes in order to understand their frustrations and experiences. I can then use this opportunity address pain points with functional solutions. Two personas were created to illustrate the wide variety of experiences and needs of possible users looking for a video streaming platform.

Melissa wants to be able to search up and be updated with the latest music video content to get inspired by her favorite artists but finds it hard to easily search and access content. Sander is a business owner looking for easy access and a streaming platform for music videos to stream inside his business and keep people excited about the atmosphere.

In order to focus on empathizing with user needs, I created personas to step into a guitarist or business owner's shoes in order to understand their frustrations and experiences. I can then use this opportunity address pain points with functional solutions. Two personas were created to illustrate the wide variety of experiences and needs of possible users looking for a video streaming platform.

Melissa wants to be able to search up and be updated with the latest music video content to get inspired by her favorite artists but finds it hard to easily search and access content. Sander is a business owner looking for easy access and a streaming platform for music videos to stream inside his business and keep people excited about the atmosphere.

User Stories

User Stories help find product functionalities while stating:

  • who the target audience is

  • what they might need

  • beneficial outcomes

User Stories help find product functionalities while stating:

  • who the target audience is

  • what they might need

  • beneficial outcomes

User Stories help find product functionalities while stating:

  • who the target audience is

  • what they might need

  • beneficial outcomes

"As a __(who)__ ,
I want to __(what)__

so that _____ (why) _____."

"As a __(who)__ ,
I want to __(what)__
so that _____ (why) _____."

"As a __(who)__ ,
I want to __(what)__

so that _____ (why) _____."

"As a __(who)__ ,
I want to __(what)__ ,
so that ___ (why) ___."

Feature #1

Access to Artist “Top Music Video”

Access to Artist “Top Music Video”

User Story: As a guitarist, I want access to an artist's “Top Music Video” so that I can get inspired for my own performances.

User Story: As a guitarist, I want access to an artist's “Top Music Video” so that I can get inspired for my own performances.

Feature #2

Feature #2

Play music station from Genre

Play music station from Genre

User Story: As a business owner, I want to access to a music video station so that I can play and stream music videos in my restaurant.

User Story: As a business owner, I want to access to a music video station so that I can play and stream music videos in my restaurant.

Feature #3

Socialize on app

User Story: As a guitarist, I'd like to socialize on the app so that I can support my favorite artists.

User Story: As a guitarist, I'd like to socialize on the app so that I can support my favorite artists.

Task Flow

Task Flow diagrams were created in order to visualize the user journey to complete these functional solutions.

Go to Task Flows >

Task Flow diagrams were created in order to visualize the user journey to complete these functional solutions.

Go to Task Flows >

Task Flow diagrams were created in order to visualize the user journey to complete these functional solutions.

Go to Task Flows >

Feature #1

Feature #1

Feature #1

Feature #2

Feature #2

Feature #2

Feature #3

Feature #3

Feature #3



Initial Sketches

Initial Sketches

Lo-Fidelity Wireframes

Lo-Fidelity Wireframes



Moodboard Inspiration

Moodboard Inspiration

Using the juxtaposition of the vibrant orange to the darker greens, the colors explored within the mood board represent the excitement, vibrancy, and variety that's expressed in music videos today.

Using the juxtaposition of the vibrant orange to the darker greens, the colors explored within the mood board represent the excitement, vibrancy, and variety that's expressed in music videos today.

Using the juxtaposition of the vibrant orange to the darker greens, the colors explored within the mood board represent the excitement, vibrancy, and variety that's expressed in music videos today.

Digital Sketches

Digital Sketches

Inspired by the shapes and movement of soundwaves created by song tracks, seen on production softwares, the final logo represents a combination of the shapes and the first letter: "M"

Inspired by the shapes and movement of soundwaves created by song tracks, seen on production softwares, the final logo represents a combination of the shapes and the first letter: "M"

Inspired by the shapes and movement of soundwaves created by song tracks, seen on production softwares, the final logo represents a combination of the shapes and the first letter: "M"

Final Logo

Final Logo

Inspired by the soundwaves, the final logo combines the linear shapes to create the letter "M" from MainStream.

Inspired by the soundwaves, the final logo combines the linear shapes to create the letter "M" from MainStream.

Final Logo

Inspired by the soundwaves, the final logo combines the linear shapes to create the letter "M" from MainStream.

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

The Solution

The Solution

The Solution

MainStream aims to provide an easy access to artist's song tracks and music videos while also giving users the opportunities to socialize.

MainStream aims to provide an easy access to artist's song tracks and music videos while also giving users the opportunities to socialize.

Access Artist's Top Music Video

Access Artist's Top Music Video

Based on user needs, MainStream provides access to artists' "Top Music Videos" to stay in tune with the latest music video content for inspiration.

Based on user needs, MainStream provides access to artists' "Top Music Videos" to stay in tune with the latest music video content for inspiration.

Based on user needs, MainStream provides access to artists' "Top Music Videos" to stay in tune with the latest music video content for inspiration.

Final Logo

Inspired by the soundwaves, the final logo combines the linear shapes to create the letter "M" from MainStream.

Play Music Video station based on Genre

Users can access music videos through stations based on Genres for a non-stop streaming experience.

Users can access music videos through stations based on Genres for a non-stop streaming experience.

View Prototype

View Prototype

Socialize with Comments

Socialize with Comments

Socialize with Comments

Socialize with Comments

With commenting, users can check out what other users like and why they love the track or music video.

With commenting, users can check out what other users like and why they love the track or music video.

With commenting, users can check out what other users like and why they love the track or music video.

Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me

Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me

Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me

Jessica Kimoden | UX Designer

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